cad4tcl is a graphic library providing CAD-specific canvas functions and
was developed as a part of rattleCAD.
So let me tell you about the background of this library:
rattleCAD is a parametric CAD application for bicycle frame builders and is a pure TclTk application and as a CAD application rattleCAD supports:
- zoom in the canvas and
- pan the view
- create
- dimensions and
- drafting frames
- import
- SVG graphics and
- export
- PDF and
- DXF (on tk::canvas only).
rattleCAD (3.6) provides this features using cad4tcl.
tk::canvas and tkpath
There are currently (2018) two main graphic libraries available in the Tcl / Tk environment.
- tk::canvas provides pixelated representation only. Even the overlapping of graphic elements with cutouts can only be achieved with temporary solutions, if at all.
- tkpath implements path drawing modeled after SVG and was developed by Mats Bengtsson (1959-2008). While the tk::canvas does not support antialising nor can it display transparent clips, tkpath is very flexible and reproduces all standard drawing canvas items. Features include: opacity, antialiasing, gradient fills, affine transformations, and fill rules and includes Tk drawing as a fallback.
While tk::canvas is part of the tcl core tkpath is not.
In one of the of course necessary refactoring projects of rattleCAD - among others - the 2D CAD functionalities
were extracted into a separate library using TclOO.
In the case of cad4tcl it was important to me to support both:
- tk::canvas and
- tkpath
depending on availability of tkpath. Based on supporting these canvas libraries only
- one common interface
- inspired by tk::canvas
should make it easy to put cad4tcl between your current application and your tk::canvas or to replace tk::canvas with tkpath.
While of course cad4tcl also bases on a lot of ideas and sample code of kind tcl developers and
rattleCAD is very specific to bicycles and bicycle geometries I can imagine that cad4tcl will also
be usefull for other applications outside of rattleCAD.
So I decided to publish this library as open source library outside of rattleCAD under the BSD License
and say a big and fat THANKS to everyone who provided any examples anywhere that I could learn from.
External libraries
cad4tcl at least requires some external packages to provide its own features:
- Tk
- TclOO
- tdom
- math (part of tcllib)
- math::geometry (part of tcllib)
for some additional features the following packages are required:
- pdf4tcl (to export pdf)
- tkpath (to be used instead of tk::canvas, of course)
- svgDOM (simplify SVG for performance issue)
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