cad4tcl Features

The package cad4tcl acts as a facade and provides one interface to deal with tk::canvas and tkpath.

  • zoom in the canvas and
  • pan the view
  • create
    • dimensions and
    • drafting frames
  • import
    • SVG graphics and
  • export
    • SVG
    • PDF and
    • DXF (on tk::canvas only).
  • antialiased rendering
    • using tkpath

tk::canvas or tkpath (provides antialiasing)

cad4tcl provides one interface to tk::canvas and tkpath. tkpath provides antialiasing.

cad4tcl - tk::canvas - standard

cad4tcl - tk::canvas - standard

cad4tcl - tkpath - optional!

cad4tcl - tkpath provides antialiasing


cad4tcl provides different dimension-types:

cad4tcl - Drafting Frame!

cad4tcl - Dimension: horizontal

cad4tcl - Drafting Frame!

cad4tcl - Dimension: aligned

cad4tcl - Drafting Frame!

cad4tcl - Dimension: angle

cad4tcl - Drafting Frame!

cad4tcl - Dimension: radius

Drafting Frame

cad4tcl provides drafting frames fitting to DIN-Formats (A0, A1, A2. A3. A4, ...).

cad4tcl - Drafting Frame!

cad4tcl - Drafting Frame

SVG (import/export)

cad4tcl reads and writes SVG-files. Reading SVG-files requires the package svgDOM where svgDOM simplifys the SVG-file to be easily read with cad4tcl.

cad4tcl - SVG import/export

cad4tcl - SVG import/export


cad4tcl also provides an app to simplify SVG-files to be easily read in cad4tcl.

cad4tcl - simplifySVG

cad4tcl - simplifySVG

You can find this app in the directories of the package cad4tcl.

    │   ├───etc
    │   │   └───icon
    │   ├───simplifySVG
    │   └───simplifySVG.tcl