cad4tcl Architecture
This page provides an overview on the architecture of cad4tcl. For the current state please check the files in the cad4tcl-package.
Package Namespace: cad4tcl
file: cad4tcl.tcl
- proc cad4tcl::new {w width height stageFormat stageScale stageBorder args}
- proc cad4tcl::getReportDOC {}
- proc cad4tcl::ObjectMethods {name method argList}
- proc cad4tcl::characterList {}
Package Class-Diagram
The following diagramm gives an overview on the classes of cad4tcl. To handle tk::canvas also as tkpath you will see specialized classes like e.g. ItemInterface_Canvas or ItemInterface_PathCanvas as a realization of ItemInterface_Super:
..._Canvas ....... realization for tk::canvas
..._PathCanvas ... realization for tkpath
Package File Structure
The following structure shows the structure of the package cad4tcl.
│ ├───etc
│ │ └───icon
│ ├───simplifySVG
│ └───viewSVG
│ └───cad4tcl.xml
│ ├───m_iso8.shp
│ └───m_txt8.shp
│ └───iconClose.gif
│ ├───cad4tcl_Image.tcl
│ ├───cad4tcl_tdom.tcl
│ ├───cad4tcl_utility.tcl
│ ├───class_CADCanvas.tcl
│ ├───class_CanvasFactory.tcl
│ ├───class_DimensionFactory.tcl
│ ├───class_Dimension_Angle.tcl
│ ├───class_Dimension_Length.tcl
│ ├───class_Dimension_Radius.tcl
│ ├───class_Extension_DXF_Canvas.tcl
│ ├───class_Extension_DXF_PathCanvas.tcl
│ ├───class_Extension_SVG_Canvas.tcl
│ ├───class_Extension_SVG_PathCanvas.tcl
│ ├───class_ItemIF_Canvas.tcl
│ ├───class_ItemIF_PathCanvas.tcl
│ ├───math.tcl
│ ├───super_Canvas.tcl
│ ├───super_Dimension.tcl
│ ├───super_Extension_DXF.tcl
│ ├───super_Extension_SVG.tcl
│ ├───super_ItemIF.tcl
│ └───vectorfont.tcl
│ └cfg_Corner.svg
Package Classes
class: cad4tcl::CADCanvas
superclass: cad4tcl::Canvas__Super
file: lib/class_CADCanvas.tcl
- constructor {canvasPath cv_width cv_height stageFormat stageScale stageBorder args}
- method unknown {target_method args}
- method configure {category key {value {__undefinedValue__}}}
- method create {type coordList args}
- method createConfigCorner {eventCommand}
- method createConfigContainer {{title {Config}}}
- method createDivContainer {title x y}
- method __createDimension {type coordList args}
- method itemconfigure {itemTag args}
- method itemcget {itemTag option}
- method export {fileFormat fileName}
- method deleteContent {}
- method deleteConfigCorner {}
- method deleteConfigContainer {}
- method deleteDivContainer {}
- method deleteDimension {}
- method getBottomLeft {}
- method getCenter {}
- method getSize {}
- method getLength {length}
- method getLengthCanvas {args}
- method getPositionCanvas {x y}
- method getStageFormat {}
- method getStageSize {}
- method getDivContainer {}
- method reportPointer {x y}
- method repositionPointerReport {}
- method resize {}
- method fit {}
- method center {{scale 1.0}}
- method fitContent {tagList}
- method centerContent {tagList {vectorOffset {0 0}}}
- method transformContent {tagID {transform {0 0}} {scale {0 0}} {orient {center}} args}
- method registerClickObject {objectID {command {}}}
- method registerDragObject {objectID {command {}}}
- method eventClick_B1 {x y tagID {type {move}}}
- method eventMotion_B1 {x y}
- method eventRelease_B1 {x y}
- method eventClick_B3 {x y tagID {type {zoom}}}
- method eventMotion_B3 {x y}
- method eventRelease_B3 {x y}
- method EventCheckCurrent {tagID}
- method EventCheckRelease {tagID}
- method SetMark {x y type}
- method SetRange {x y}
- method CheckConfigCorner {tagID}
- method CheckConfigContainer {tagID}
- method CheckClickObject {tagID}
- method GetGroupObject {tagID}
- method CheckDragObject {tagID}
- method CheckNoDrag {tagID}
- method CheckDivContainer {tagID}
- method MoveVector {tagID x y}
- method ZoomArea {bbox}
- method CenterBBox {bbox {scale 1.0}}
- method DragContent {tagId x y}
- method UpdateCanvasItems {{scaleFactor {}}}
- method UpdateCanvas {}
- method FindClosest {x y}
- method UpdateItemInterface {}
- method UpdateDraft {}
- method CreateReportDOM {}
- method updateReportDOM {}
class: cad4tcl::CanvasFactory
file: lib/class_CanvasFactory.tcl
- constructor {}
- method unknown {target_method args}
- method create {parentWidget cv_width cv_height stageFormat stageScale stageBorder args}
- method createNew {parentWidget width height {stageFormat {noFormat}} {stageScale 1.0} {stageBorder 10} args}
- method getMemberDOM {}
- method getMemberList {}
- method reportMemberList {}
class cad4tcl::DimensionFactory
file: lib/class_DimensionFactory.tcl
- constructor {cvObj itemIF args}
- method unknown {target_method args}
- method create {type coordList args}
- method get_memberList {}
- method report_memberList {}
- method delete_Member {}
class cad4tcl::AngleDimension
superclass: cad4tcl::Dimension__Super
file: lib/class_Dimension_Angle.tcl
- constructor {cvObj itemIF p_Coords dimDistance {textOffset 0} {colour black}}
- method unknown {target_method args}
- method createObject {p_Coords dimRadius {textOffset 0} {colour black}}
- method get_dimensionType {}
class: cad4tcl::LengthDimension
superclass: cad4tcl::Dimension__Super
file: lib/class_Dimension_Length.tcl
- constructor {cvObj itemIF p_Coords dimOrientation dimDistance {textOffset 0} {colour black}}
- method unknown {target_method args}
- method createObject {p_Coords dimOrientation dimDistance {textOffset 0} {colour black}}
- method get_dimensionType {}
class: cad4tcl::RadiusDimension
superclass: cad4tcl::Dimension__Super
file: lib/class_Dimension_Radius.tcl
- constructor {cvObj itemIF p_Coords dimDistance {textOffset 0} {colour black}}
- method unknown {target_method args}
- method createObject {p_Coords dimDistAngle {textOffset 0} {colour black}}
- method get_dimensionType {}
class: cad4tcl::Extension_DXF_Canvas
superclass: cad4tcl::Extension_DXF__Super
file: lib/class_Extension_DXF_Canvas.tcl
- constructor {cvObj args}
- method unknown {target_method args}
class: cad4tcl::Extension_DXF_PathCanvas
superclass: cad4tcl::Extension_DXF__Super
file: lib/class_Extension_DXF_PathCanvas.tcl
- constructor {cvObj args}
- method unknown {target_method args}
- method exportFile {dxfFile}
class: cad4tcl::Extension_SVG_Canvas
superclass: cad4tcl::Extension_SVG__Super
file: lib/class_Extension_SVG_Canvas.tcl
- constructor {cvObj itemIF args}
- method unknown {target_method args}
class: cad4tcl::Extension_SVG_PathCanvas
superclass: cad4tcl::Extension_SVG__Super
file: lib/class_Extension_SVG_PathCanvas.tcl
- constructor {cvObj itemIF args}
- method unknown {target_method args}
- method createElement {svgNode canvasPosition svgCenter angle svgTag {style {}}}
- method exportFile {{svgFile {}}}
- method CreateSVG_line {cv cvItem}
- method CreateSVG_circle {cv cvItem}
- method CreateSVG_ellipse {cv cvItem}
- method CreateSVG_path {cv cvItem}
- method CreateSVG_pline {cv cvItem}
- method CreateSVG_polyline {cv cvItem}
- method CreateSVG_polygon {cv cvItem}
- method CreateSVG_prect {cv cvItem}
- method CreateSVG_oval_template {cv cvItem}
class: cad4tcl::ItemInterface_Canvas
superclass: cad4tcl::ItemInterface__Super
file: lib/class_ItemIF_Canvas.tcl
- constructor {cvObj}
- method unknown {target_method args}
- method update {}
class: cad4tcl::ItemInterface_PathCanvas
superclass: cad4tcl::ItemInterface__Super
file: lib/class_ItemIF_PathCanvas.tcl
- constructor {cvObj}
- method unknown {target_method args}
- method update {}
- method create {type args}
- method itemconfigure {itemTag argList}
- method itemcget {itemTag option}
- method delete {item}
- method getLineWidth {lineWidth}
- method UpdateItemAttributes {type argDict formatSize}
- method createArc {coordList argList}
- method createCenterLine {coordList argList}
- method createCircle {coordList argList}
- method createLine {coordList argList}
- method createOval {coordList argList}
- method createOvalArc {coordList argList}
- method createOvalArc2 {coordList argList}
- method createPath {pathDef argList}
- method createPolygon {coordList argList}
- method createRectangle {coordList argList}
- method createVectorText {coordList argList}
- method createDraftText {coordList argList}
- method _convertBottomLeft {scale shapeDef}
superclass: cad4tcl::Canvas__Super
file: lib/super_Canvas.tcl
- constructor {parentWidget cv_width cv_height stageFormat stageScale stageBorder}
- method unknown {target_method args}
- method CreateStage {{type sheet}}
- method CreateWindow {coordList argList}
- method reportSettings {}
- method getPackageHomeDir {}
- method getCanvas {}
- method getDimensionFactory {}
- method getItemInterface {}
- method getOrigin {{tagID __Stage__}}
- method addtag {args}
- method bbox {args}
- method bbox2 {args}
- method bind {args}
- method coords {args}
- method delete {args}
- method dtag {args}
- method find {args}
- method focus {tagID}
- method gettags {tagID}
- method itemcget {args}
- method lower {args}
- method move {tagID xAmount yAmount}
- method raise {args}
- method scale {args}
- method type {tagID}
superclass: cad4tcl::Dimension__Super
file: lib/super_Dimension.tcl
- constructor {}
- method setCanvasSettings {}
- method fit2Canvas {{myItem {}}}
- method get_parentCanvas {}
- method add_UID {tag}
- method get_dimensionTag {}
- method get_dimensionType {}
- method get_textTag {}
- method get_editTag {}
- method get_UID {}
- method createSensitiveArea {{activeColor wheat}}
- method report_UID {}
- method noramlizeAngle {angle}
- method createLine_2 {p1 p2 colour}
- method createArc_2 {p r start extent colour}
- method createLineEnd_2 {p end_angle colour {style inside}}
- method createText_2 {dimValue format p dimAngle colour}
- method createPoint_2 {p radius colour}
superclass: cad4tcl::Extension_DXF__Super
file: lib/super_Extension_DXF.tcl
- constructor {cvObj args}
- method unknown {target_method args}
- method exportFile {dxfFile}
- method scale_Value_flipXY {args}
- method scale_Value {args}
- method dxf_Header {x0 y0 x1 y1}
- method dxf_format {args}
- method dxf_LType {name {flags 0}}
- method dxf_Layer {{name 0} {flags 0} {color 7} {ltype 0}}
- method dxf_rect {x y w h { t 0 } { o 0 }}
- method dxf_solid {x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4}
- method dxf_solidbox {x1 y1 x2 y2 {color 256}}
- method formatXColor {rgb}
superclass: cad4tcl::Extension_SVG__Super
file: lib/super_Extension_SVG.tcl
- constructor {cvObj itemIF args}
- method unknown {target_method args}
- method create {parentWidget cv_width cv_height stageFormat stageScale stageBorder args}
- method createNew {parentWidget width height {stageFormat {noFormat}} {stageScale 1.0} {stageBorder 10} args}
- method getMemberDOM {}
- method getMemberList {}
- method reportMemberList {}
superclass: cad4tcl::ItemInterface__Super
file: lib/super_ItemIF.tcl
- constructor {cvObj}
- method unknown {target_method args}
- method updateConfig {}
- method create {type args}
- method itemconfigure {itemTag argList}
- method itemcget {itemTag option}
- method export {fileFormat fileName}
- method delete {item}
- method configure {key {value __noValue__}}
- method UpdateItemAttributes {type argDict}
- method createArc {coordList argList}
- method createCenterLine {coordList argList}
- method createCircle {coordList argList}
- method createLine {coordList argList}
- method createOval {coordList argList}
- method createOvalArc {coordList argList}
- method createOvalArc2 {coordList argList}
- method createPolygon {coordList argList}
- method createRectangle {coordList argList}
- method createVectorText {coordList argLis}
- method createText {coordList argList}
- method createDraftFrame {argList}
- method createDraftLabel {coordList argList}
- method createDraftLine {coordList argList}
- method createDraftText {coordList argList}
- method updateDraftFrame {}
- method createDraftRaster {argList}
- method createSVG {coordList argList {style {cad}}}
- method deleteDimension {}
- method exportDXF {fileName}
- method exportSVG {fileName}
- method getPointOnEllipse {r1 r2 phi}
- method getPointOnEllipse2 {r1 r2 phi}
- method _____getDomNode {}
Package Namespace: extension
namespace: cad4tcl
file: lib/cad4tcl_tdom.tcl
- proc cad4tcl::getXMLRoot {}
- proc cad4tcl::getNodeRoot {pathString}
- proc cad4tcl::setNodeAttributeRoot {pathString attribute value}
- proc cad4tcl::getNodeAttributeRoot {pathString attribute}
- proc cad4tcl::getNode {node pathString}
- proc cad4tcl::setNodeAttribute {node pathString attribute value}
- proc cad4tcl::getNodeAttribute {node pathString attribute}
- proc cad4tcl::getCanvasDOMNode {pathString}
- proc cad4tcl::reportXML {parent {counter {?}}}
- proc cad4tcl::reportXMLRoot {}
namespace: cad4tcl
file: lib/cad4tcl_utility.tcl
- proc cad4tcl::_convertBottomLeft {scale shapeDef}
- proc cad4tcl::_flattenCoordList {args}
- proc cad4tcl::_flattenNestedList {args}
- proc cad4tcl::_getFontSize {{formatKey A4} {size f1}}
- proc cad4tcl::_getBBoxInfo {bbox {type size}}
- proc cad4tcl::_getBottomLeft {w}
- proc cad4tcl::_getFormatSize {formatKey}
- proc cad4tcl::_getUnitRefScale {stageUnit}
- proc cad4tcl::_getTagList {argList}
- proc cad4tcl::_____getFormatSize {{formatKey A4}}
namespace: cad4tcl::math
file: lib/math.tcl
- proc cad4tcl::math::rotateCoordList { p_cent p_list angle }
- proc cad4tcl::math::addVectorCoordList {v p_list {scaling 1}}
- proc cad4tcl::math::scaleCoordList {pRef ptList scale}
- proc cad4tcl::math::rotatePointList {p_cent p_list angle}
- proc cad4tcl::math::addVectorPointList {v p_list {scaling 1}}
- proc cad4tcl::math::mirrorPointList {p_list axle}
- proc cad4tcl::math::mirrorCoordList {ptList axle}
- proc cad4tcl::math::rotatePoint {p_cent p_rot angle}
- proc cad4tcl::math::rotateLine {p l angle}
- proc cad4tcl::math::dirAngle {p1 p2}
- proc cad4tcl::math::dirAngle_radiant {p1 p2}
- proc cad4tcl::math::dirAngle_degree {p1 p2}
- proc cad4tcl::math::dirCarthesian {angle}
- proc cad4tcl::math::dirAngle_Coincidence {p1 p2 tolerance p_perp}
- proc cad4tcl::math::checkPointCoincidence {p1 p2 {tolerance {0.0001}}}
- proc cad4tcl::math::mirrorPoint {p1 p2 p3}
- proc cad4tcl::math::intersectPerp {p1 p2 p3}
- proc cad4tcl::math::distancePerp {p1 p2 p3}
- proc cad4tcl::math::offsetOrientation {p1 p2 p3}
- proc cad4tcl::math::length {p1 p2}
- proc cad4tcl::math::center {p1 p2}
- proc cad4tcl::math::unifyVectorPointList {vct {length {1.0}}}
- proc cad4tcl::math::unifyVector {p1 p2 {length {1.0}}}
- proc cad4tcl::math::cathetusPoint {p1 p2 cathetus {position {close}}}
- proc cad4tcl::math::parallel {p1 p2 distance {direction {right}}}
- proc cad4tcl::math::perpendicular {p1 p2 distance {direction {right}}}
- proc cad4tcl::math::perpendicular_local {vct {direction right}}
- proc cad4tcl::___scalarProduct {v s}
- proc cad4tcl::math::angle_Triangle {a b c}
- proc cad4tcl::math::tangent_2_circles {p1 p2 r1 r2 {type {outside}} {side {right}}}
- proc cad4tcl::math::intersectVector {v1 v2 {errorMode {}}}
- proc cad4tcl::math::intersectPoint {p1 p2 p3 p4 {errorMode {}}}
- proc cad4tcl::math::intersectPointVector {p1 v1 p3 v3 {errorMode {}}}
- proc cad4tcl::math::angle {p1 pc p3}
- proc cad4tcl::math::angleVector {vct}
- proc cad4tcl::math::anglePoint {p}
- proc cad4tcl::math::localVector_2_Degree {locVector}
- proc cad4tcl::math::bisectAngle {p1 p2 p3}
- proc cad4tcl::math::trisectAngle {p1 p2 p3}
- proc cad4tcl::math::addVector {v1 v2 {scaling 1}}
- proc cad4tcl::math::subVector {v1 v2}
- proc cad4tcl::math::rad {arc}
- proc cad4tcl::math::grad {arc}
- proc cad4tcl::math::vector {arc}
- proc cad4tcl::math::VCross {v1 v2}
- proc cad4tcl::math::VRotate {v beta {unit {rad}}}
- proc cad4tcl::math::matrixMultiplyList {mList}
- proc cad4tcl::math::matrixMultiply {m1 m2}
- proc cad4tcl::math::matrixTranslate {m args}
- proc cad4tcl::math::matrixScale {m args}
- proc cad4tcl::math::matrixRotate {m angle}
- proc cad4tcl::math::transformPointList {pointList m}
namespace: cad4tcl::image
file: lib/cad4tcl_Image.tcl
- proc cad4tcl::image::readFile {canvasDOMNode file {canvasPosition {0 0}} {anchor {bottomLeft}} {angle {0}} {customTag {}}}
- proc cad4tcl::image::scale {image scale}
- proc cad4tcl::reportObjectBBox {canvasDOMNode obj}
vectorfont Namespace
namespace: vectorfont
file: lib/vectorfont.tcl
- proc vectorfont::RotateItem {w tagOrId Ox Oy angle}
- proc vectorfont::draw_seg {c offs}
- proc vectorfont::draw_arc {c rad sta ext sign}
- proc vectorfont::next_byte {args}
- proc vectorfont::process {canv code}
- proc vectorfont::process {canv code}
- proc vectorfont::draw_error {canv id}
- proc vectorfont::compileChar {canv id}
- proc vectorfont::pre_process {}
- proc vectorfont::load_shape {shp_file}
- proc vectorfont::setposition {x y}
- proc vectorfont::setangle {ang}
- proc vectorfont::setscale {factor}
- proc vectorfont::setline {width}
- proc vectorfont::setcolor {color}
- proc vectorfont::setfont {id}
- proc vectorfont::setalign {dir}
- proc vectorfont::setCanvas {canv value}
- proc vectorfont::drawtext {canv txt}
- proc vectorfont::get_characterList {}